Ebook Vacant to Vibrant Creating Successful Green Infrastructure Networks Sandra Albro Books

Vacant lots, so often seen as neighborhood blight, have the potential to be a key element of community revitalization. As manufacturing cities reinvent themselves after decades of lost jobs and population, abundant vacant land resources and interest in green infrastructure are expanding opportunities for community and environmental resilience. Vacant to Vibrant explains how inexpensive green infrastructure projects can reduce stormwater runoff and pollution, and provide neighborhood amenities, especially in areas with little or no access to existing green space.
Sandra Albro offers practical insights through her experience leading the five-year Vacant to Vibrant project, which piloted the creation of green infrastructure networks in Gary, Indiana; Cleveland, Ohio; and Buffalo, New York. Vacant to Vibrant provides a point of comparison among the three cities as they adapt old systems to new, green technology. An overview of the larger economic and social dynamics in play throughout the Rust Belt region establishes context for the promise of green infrastructure. Albro then offers lessons learned from the Vacant to Vibrant project, including planning, design, community engagement, implementation, and maintenance successes and challenges. An appendix shows designs and plans that can be adapted to small vacant lots.
Landscape architects and other professionals whose work involves urban greening will learn new approaches for creating infrastructure networks and facilitating more equitable access to green space.
Sandra Albro offers practical insights through her experience leading the five-year Vacant to Vibrant project, which piloted the creation of green infrastructure networks in Gary, Indiana; Cleveland, Ohio; and Buffalo, New York. Vacant to Vibrant provides a point of comparison among the three cities as they adapt old systems to new, green technology. An overview of the larger economic and social dynamics in play throughout the Rust Belt region establishes context for the promise of green infrastructure. Albro then offers lessons learned from the Vacant to Vibrant project, including planning, design, community engagement, implementation, and maintenance successes and challenges. An appendix shows designs and plans that can be adapted to small vacant lots.
Landscape architects and other professionals whose work involves urban greening will learn new approaches for creating infrastructure networks and facilitating more equitable access to green space.
Ebook Vacant to Vibrant Creating Successful Green Infrastructure Networks Sandra Albro Books
"Albro's writing clearly and concisely weaves multiple critical issues into a singular focus: vacant land reuse. By examining vacant land in industrial America, the Vacant to Vibrant project examines historic land use and the associated destruction of neighborhoods first through redlining and then through subprime mortgage lending. What remains are vast swaths of vacant land in neighborhoods facing severe environmental justice concerns. This book highlights the thoughtful planning that occurred in three distinct cities in not only using vacant land as an opportunity for community development but also as a way to address another critical concern--combined sewer overflow. A must-read for practitioners in shrinking cities."
Product details

Tags : Vacant to Vibrant Creating Successful Green Infrastructure Networks (9781610919005) Sandra Albro Books,Sandra Albro,Vacant to Vibrant Creating Successful Green Infrastructure Networks,Island Press,1610919009,ARCHITECTURE / Sustainability Green Design,ARCHITECTURE / Urban Land Use Planning,Architecture,Architecture/Urban Land Use Planning,GARDENING / Garden Design,Gardening/Garden Design,How-to/Do-it-yourself,Non-Fiction,Scholarly/Graduate,TEXT,United States
Vacant to Vibrant Creating Successful Green Infrastructure Networks Sandra Albro Books Reviews :
Vacant to Vibrant Creating Successful Green Infrastructure Networks Sandra Albro Books Reviews
- Albro's writing clearly and concisely weaves multiple critical issues into a singular focus vacant land reuse. By examining vacant land in industrial America, the Vacant to Vibrant project examines historic land use and the associated destruction of neighborhoods first through redlining and then through subprime mortgage lending. What remains are vast swaths of vacant land in neighborhoods facing severe environmental justice concerns. This book highlights the thoughtful planning that occurred in three distinct cities in not only using vacant land as an opportunity for community development but also as a way to address another critical concern--combined sewer overflow. A must-read for practitioners in shrinking cities.