Ebook Anarres 1 Italian Edition eBook Salvatore Proietti

By Virginia Zamora on Friday, May 31, 2019

Ebook Anarres 1 Italian Edition eBook Salvatore Proietti

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Download PDF Anarres 1 Italian Edition eBook Salvatore Proietti

Fantascienza - rivista (253 pagine) - Speciale Ursula K. Le Guin - Kim Stanley Robinson - Brian Stableford - Fantascienza classica francese - Primordi della critica in Italia - Utopia e distopia nella sf tedesca - Recensioni

Mentre la fantascienza e in generale il fantastico hanno raggiunto un riconoscimento e pieno diritto di cittadinanza, nella cultura del nostro paese è ancora più grave l’assenza di uno spazio che rivolga in maniera sistematica un’attenzione rigorosa e scientifica al genere. Un vuoto che cerca di riempire Anarres, rivista che si occupa dei generi non mimetici, a partire dall’ambito letterario e ampliando lo spettro di interesse a tutti gli altri media, dando priorità alla fantascienza scritta ma senza limitarsi a essa, e assicurando uno spazio costante al fantastico italiano.
Questo primo numero dedica una sezione monografica a Ursula K. Le Guin, la cui fede laica nell’utopia e nella creazione letteraria di mondi fantastici complessi e articolati, riaffermata attraverso generi e decenni, è un modello insuperato. La traduzione del saggio di Fredric Jameson su Kim Stanley Robinson vuole ulteriormente sottolineare l’interesse (intellettuale e civico) verso l’utopia. Ampio spazio è dedicato a tradizioni nazionali di lingue diverse questo numero presenta interventi sulla SF statunitense, francese e tedesca. Nel volume sono ospitate recensioni che guardano sia agli interessi presenti, sia a recuperi del passato e di una memoria storica di cui il genere ha senz’altro bisogno.
[Articoli e recensioni di Vittorio Catani, Massimo Del Pizzo, Alessandro Fambrini, Antonino Fazio, Fulvio Ferrari, Daniela Guardamagna, Salvatore Proietti, Darko Suvin, Igina Tattoni]

Salvatore Proietti insegna Letterature anglo-americane all'Università della Calabria, ed è direttore di Anarres. Fra i suoi lavori più recenti, la cura di Henry David Thoreau, Dizionario portatile di ecologia (Donzelli 2017), e saggi su Samuel R. Delany (Leviathan, A Journal of Melville Studies, 2013) e sui conflitti razziali in Philip K. Dick (in Umanesimo e rivolta in Blade Runner, a cura di Luigi Cimmino et al., Rubbettino 2015), e una panoramica storica della SF italiana (in Science Fiction Studies, 2015), oltre alla riedizione della traduzione di Paul Di Filippo, La trilogia steampunk (Mondadori 2018).

Ebook Anarres 1 Italian Edition eBook Salvatore Proietti


Product details

  • File Size 549 KB
  • Publisher Delos Digital (February 12, 2019)
  • Publication Date February 12, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

Read Anarres 1 Italian Edition eBook Salvatore Proietti

Tags : Anarres 1 (Italian Edition) eBook Salvatore Proietti ,ebook,Salvatore Proietti,Anarres 1 (Italian Edition),Delos Digital

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Download PDF Anfitrione Traduzione di Alessandro Natucci Introduzione di Fabia Zanasi Italian Edition eBook Tito Maccio Plauto Fabia Zanasi Alessandro Natucci

By Virginia Zamora

Download PDF Anfitrione Traduzione di Alessandro Natucci Introduzione di Fabia Zanasi Italian Edition eBook Tito Maccio Plauto Fabia Zanasi Alessandro Natucci

Download As PDF : Anfitrione Traduzione di Alessandro Natucci Introduzione di Fabia Zanasi Italian Edition eBook Tito Maccio Plauto Fabia Zanasi Alessandro Natucci

Download PDF Anfitrione Traduzione di Alessandro Natucci Introduzione di Fabia Zanasi Italian Edition eBook Tito Maccio Plauto Fabia Zanasi Alessandro Natucci

La commedia di Plauto racconta uno degli amori di Giove che, invaghitosi della bella Alcmena, non esita ad assumere le sembianze del marito di lei, per trascorrere una interminabile notte di passione, il cui frutto d’amore sarà Ercole. La vivacità del testo consiste nel ravvivare l’incontro dei personaggi divini con quelli umani, tratti in inganno dalla rappresentazione del doppio, nello scambio tra le identità. Particolarmente efficace il drammatico confronto del servo Sosia con Mercurio, che replica le fattezze del suo corpo, mettendone in crisi l’idea di sé e l’identità personale. Dal commediografo latino in poi, il tema del doppio si svilupperà con grande fortuna nella letteratura occidentale e sarà oggetto dell’indagine psicanalitica.

Download PDF Anfitrione Traduzione di Alessandro Natucci Introduzione di Fabia Zanasi Italian Edition eBook Tito Maccio Plauto Fabia Zanasi Alessandro Natucci


Product details

  • File Size 4010 KB
  • Print Length 146 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date January 15, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

Read Anfitrione Traduzione di Alessandro Natucci Introduzione di Fabia Zanasi Italian Edition eBook Tito Maccio Plauto Fabia Zanasi Alessandro Natucci

Tags : Buy Anfitrione Traduzione di Alessandro Natucci Introduzione di Fabia Zanasi (Italian Edition) Read Reviews - ,ebook,Tito Maccio Plauto, Fabia Zanasi, Alessandro Natucci,Anfitrione Traduzione di Alessandro Natucci Introduzione di Fabia Zanasi (Italian Edition),Literary Collections / Letters,Literary Collections / Ancient Classical

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Download PDF The Run of His Life The People v OJ Simpson Audible Audio Edition Jeffrey Toobin Stephen Bel Davies Audible Studios Books

By Virginia Zamora

Download PDF The Run of His Life The People v OJ Simpson Audible Audio Edition Jeffrey Toobin Stephen Bel Davies Audible Studios Books

Download As PDF : The Run of His Life The People v OJ Simpson Audible Audio Edition Jeffrey Toobin Stephen Bel Davies Audible Studios Books

Download PDF The Run of His Life The People v OJ Simpson Audible Audio Edition Jeffrey Toobin Stephen Bel Davies Audible Studios Books

This New York Times best seller was the inspiration for the first season of American Crime Story on FX, starring Cuba Gooding, Jr.; John Travolta; David Schwimmer; and Connie Britton.

The definitive account of the O. J. Simpson trial, The Run of His Life is a prodigious feat of reporting that could have been written only by the foremost legal journalist of our time. First published less than a year after the infamous verdict, Jeffrey Toobin's nonfiction masterpiece tells the whole story, from the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman to the ruthless gamesmanship behind the scenes of "the trial of the century". Rich in character, as propulsive as a legal thriller, this enduring narrative continues to shock and fascinate with its candid depiction of the human drama that upended American life.

Please note This audiobook is a recording of the original 1996 edition of The Run of His Life. It does not include an Afterword added to the 2013 reissued edition.

Download PDF The Run of His Life The People v OJ Simpson Audible Audio Edition Jeffrey Toobin Stephen Bel Davies Audible Studios Books

"Really great book on which the recent American Crime series was based. The book is less sensational and more factual and is the better for that distinction. It provides a lot of background info on all the major figures in the case and some much needed historical and cultural context to help me understand better why the case was tried the way it was, and why the jurors made the decision they made, and most of all why the country was so polarized by the case and the verdict. I was a newly married twenty something with a baby at the time of the murders and the court case and it was fascinating to go back all these years later, with the benefit of age and maturity and the benefit of this writer's meticulous research, the contextual information I described, and his skill and talent as a writer, and reexamine this event in a way that taught me something new."

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 18 hours and 46 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Audible Studios
  • Audible.com Release Date September 29, 2015
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English

Read The Run of His Life The People v OJ Simpson Audible Audio Edition Jeffrey Toobin Stephen Bel Davies Audible Studios Books

Tags : The Run of His Life The People v. O.J. Simpson (Audible Audio Edition) Jeffrey Toobin, Stephen Bel Davies, Audible Studios Books, ,Jeffrey Toobin, Stephen Bel Davies, Audible Studios,The Run of His Life The People v. O.J. Simpson,Audible Studios,B011W3JGFI

The Run of His Life The People v OJ Simpson Audible Audio Edition Jeffrey Toobin Stephen Bel Davies Audible Studios Books Reviews :

The Run of His Life The People v OJ Simpson Audible Audio Edition Jeffrey Toobin Stephen Bel Davies Audible Studios Books Reviews

  • The popularity of the FX mini-series loosely based on this book led to me to read Mr. Toobin's account of the "Crime of the Century".

    Having been as transfixed as many others by the events of the trial of O.J. Simpson in the mid-1990's , I was curious to read yet another account of those events. This book shed more light on the case largely because it was written by "an outsider" with a legal background rather than one of the participants.

    Obviously there is no secret in how either of the two trials documented in this work ended yet Toobin is able to keep our attention through both delving into the background of the prosecution staff; defense team; Judge Ito; and many of the police officers involved in the investigation; and by giving his perspective on the evidence.

    Mr. Toobin makes no bones about how he believes it was the failure of Marcia Clark "to see the forest for the trees" in how she chose to conduct herself throughout the investigation leading up to the trial and in presenting the prosecution case at trial that accounted for the acquittal. He is equally harsh on Chris Darden and Lance Ito for their lack of aggressiveness in pursuing their role's in the debacle that led to O.J. Simpson's acquittal in the criminal trial.

    What was particularly interesting was the portion of the book related to the civil wrongful death suits that followed the criminal trial. Toobin's take on how the plaintiff's attorneys handled much of the same evidence presented in the criminal trial with a much different outcome is a counterpoint to the failure of the L.A. District Attorney's office under Gil Garcetti to obtain what should have been a "slam-dunk" verdict of guilty.

    A good read on when the justice system fails because of ineptitude.
  • Having read the July 1994 New Yorker prediction that OJ would be exonerated due to racism, I have always been curious as to why that prediction came to pass a year later. Jeffrey Toobin, the author of the article, tells the story in this book. The defense successfully turned the trial into a race based issue instead of a dual murder issue. Instead of a hung jury outcome sought by the the defense, he trial ended up with a not guilty outcome due largely in part to the arrogance of the prosecution.

    I felt that this book was a well-balanced account of how the prosecution lost the OJ Simpson case in 1995.
  • The only book I have ever read about the OJ Simpson trial, and I feel as though it's the only one I'll ever need to read.

    This is the book for anybody who has found themselves baffled by the verdict on the trial of OJ Simpson announced just 25 years ago, and as this book reveals, it didn't simply boil down to a glove. The glove did effectively serve as the explanation in a culmination of a vast array of other factors that swayed the verdict of this case, race being the primary focus, but it wasn't simply the glove itself.

    Toobin compiles a fascinating, insightful, work of fine journalism at its finest.
  • O.J. Simpson was good at running. He ran with a football at U.S.C. winning the coveted Heisman Trophy and went on to the Pro Football Hall of Fame as a star for several seasons as a running back on the Buffalo Bills. He also ran way in the famous Bronco Chase from police arrest following his murder of Nicole Brown Simpson, his battered ex-wife, and Ronald Goldman a waiter at the Messaluna Restaurant who was returning sunglasses which had been dropped earlier in the evening while the Brown family were dining.
    OJ was arrested and the most famous murder trial in the history of the racially divided city of Los Angeles was underway. The trial ended in an acquittal for Simpson. The defense had accused detective Mark Fuhrman of planting the glove found at 360 Rockingham the home address of Simpson. All of these facts are well known.
    This book was first published in 1996 and has been reissued in paperback in the light of a drama series on the case and a five part television documentary. Toobin's book is the best one to read because
    a. He gives a detailed account of the evidence in the case-Toobin's book makes clear that Simpson was guilty of the horrible crimes!
    b.Toobin is good in exploring the racial tension existing in LA. Simpson was portrayed by Johnnie Cochran, Robert Shapiro, F. Lee Bailey and
    Barry Schecht as a victim of police conspiracy and the planting of pivotal evidence.
    c. This book is very good at giving the reader mini-biographies of all the major lawyers and witnesses in the case. Also given is a brief biography of O.J. Simpson.
    d.For objective and balanced reporting this book is the definitive book on the Simpson case. Essential and well written and researched.
  • Really great book on which the recent American Crime series was based. The book is less sensational and more factual and is the better for that distinction. It provides a lot of background info on all the major figures in the case and some much needed historical and cultural context to help me understand better why the case was tried the way it was, and why the jurors made the decision they made, and most of all why the country was so polarized by the case and the verdict. I was a newly married twenty something with a baby at the time of the murders and the court case and it was fascinating to go back all these years later, with the benefit of age and maturity and the benefit of this writer's meticulous research, the contextual information I described, and his skill and talent as a writer, and reexamine this event in a way that taught me something new.
More aboutDownload PDF The Run of His Life The People v OJ Simpson Audible Audio Edition Jeffrey Toobin Stephen Bel Davies Audible Studios Books

Download Tigres et dragons les arts martiaux au cinéma Tome 2 Du ring à la rue 9782813218469 Books

By Virginia Zamora

Download Tigres et dragons les arts martiaux au cinéma Tome 2 Du ring à la rue 9782813218469 Books

Download As PDF : Tigres et dragons les arts martiaux au cinéma Tome 2 Du ring à la rue 9782813218469 Books

Download PDF Tigres et dragons les arts martiaux au cinéma Tome 2 Du ring à la rue 9782813218469 Books

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Download Tigres et dragons les arts martiaux au cinéma Tome 2 Du ring à la rue 9782813218469 Books


Product details

  • Paperback
  • Language French
  • ISBN-10 2813218464

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Download American Carnage On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President Trump Tim Alberta 9780062896445 Books

By Virginia Zamora

Download American Carnage On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President Trump Tim Alberta 9780062896445 Books

Download As PDF : American Carnage On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President Trump Tim Alberta 9780062896445 Books

Download PDF American Carnage On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President Trump Tim Alberta 9780062896445 Books

Politico Magazine’s chief political correspondent provides a rollicking insider’s look at the making of the modern Republican Party—how a decade of cultural upheaval, populist outrage, and ideological warfare made the GOP vulnerable to a hostile takeover from the unlikeliest of insurgents Donald J. Trump.

The 2016 election was a watershed for the United States. But, as Tim Alberta explains in American Carnage, to understand Trump’s victory is to view him not as the creator of this era of polarization and bruising partisanship, but rather as its most manifest consequence.

American Carnage is the story of a president’s rise based on a country’s evolution and a party’s collapse. As George W. Bush left office with record-low approval ratings and Barack Obama led a Democratic takeover of Washington, Republicans faced a moment of reckoning They had no vision, no generation of new leaders, and no energy in the party’s base. Yet Obama’s forceful pursuit of his progressive agenda, coupled with the nation’s rapidly changing societal and demographic identity, lit a fire under the right, returning Republicans to power and inviting a bloody struggle for the party’s identity in the post-Bush era. The factions that emerged—one led by absolutists like Jim Jordan and Ted Cruz, the other led by pragmatists like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell—engaged in a series of devastating internecine clashes and attempted coups for control. With the GOP’s internal fissures rendering it legislatively impotent, and that impotence fueling a growing resentment toward the political class and its institutions, the stage was set for an outsider to crash the party. When Trump descended a gilded escalator to announce his run in the summer of 2015, the candidate had met the moment.

Only by viewing Trump as the culmination of a decade-long civil war inside the GOP—and of the parallel sense of cultural, socioeconomic, and technological disruption during that period—can we appreciate how he won the White House and consider the fundamental questions at the center of America’s current turmoil. How did a party once obsessed with national insolvency come to champion trillion-dollar deficits? How did the party of compassionate conservatism become the party of Muslim bans and family separation? How did the party of family values elect a thrice-divorced philanderer? And, most important, how long can such a party survive?

Loaded with explosive original reporting and based off hundreds of exclusive interviews—including with key players such as President Trump, Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Jim DeMint, and Reince Priebus, among many others—American Carnage takes us behind the scenes of this tumultuous period as we’ve never seen it before and establishes Tim Alberta as the premier chronicler of this political era.

Download American Carnage On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President Trump Tim Alberta 9780062896445 Books


Product details

  • Hardcover 688 pages
  • Publisher Harper (July 16, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 006289644X

Read American Carnage On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President Trump Tim Alberta 9780062896445 Books

Tags : American Carnage On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President Trump [Tim Alberta] on . <strong><em>Politico Magazine</em>’s chief political correspondent provides a rollicking insider’s look at the making of the modern Republican Party—how a decade of cultural upheaval,Tim Alberta,American Carnage On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President Trump,Harper,006289644X,GENERAL,General Adult,Non-Fiction,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Conservatism Liberalism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Campaigns Elections,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Political Parties,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Conservatism Liberalism,Political Science/Political Process - Campaigns Elections,Politics/Intl Relations

American Carnage On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President Trump Tim Alberta 9780062896445 Books Reviews :

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Read Melissa Black Gold Journal Notebook 6 x 9 with Personalized Name on Each Page Goddess Book Press 9781092104586 Books

By Virginia Zamora on Thursday, May 30, 2019

Read Melissa Black Gold Journal Notebook 6 x 9 with Personalized Name on Each Page Goddess Book Press 9781092104586 Books

Download As PDF : Melissa Black Gold Journal Notebook 6 x 9 with Personalized Name on Each Page Goddess Book Press 9781092104586 Books

Download PDF Melissa Black Gold Journal Notebook 6 x 9 with Personalized Name on Each Page Goddess Book Press 9781092104586 Books

*** Melissa Journal Book*** This Journal is custom made for people with the name Melissa. Each page has the name Melissa on it. Take a look inside the book. Perfect gift for any person name Melissa. This custom journal is great for any holiday, birthday, and thank you gift. Convenient size of 6 x 9 inches on glossy finish. This Journal has 100 lined pages for you to write down your thoughts and notes.

Read Melissa Black Gold Journal Notebook 6 x 9 with Personalized Name on Each Page Goddess Book Press 9781092104586 Books


Product details

  • Paperback 100 pages
  • Publisher Independently published (March 29, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1092104585

Read Melissa Black Gold Journal Notebook 6 x 9 with Personalized Name on Each Page Goddess Book Press 9781092104586 Books

Tags : Melissa Black Gold Journal Notebook 6 x 9 with Personalized Name on Each Page [Goddess Book Press] on . *** Melissa Journal Book*** This Journal is custom made for people with the name Melissa. Each page has the name Melissa on it. Take a look inside the book. Perfect gift for any person name Melissa. This custom journal is great for any holiday,Goddess Book Press,Melissa Black Gold Journal Notebook 6 x 9 with Personalized Name on Each Page,Independently published,1092104585,JUVENILE NONFICTION / Girls Women,Body, Mind Spirit / Reference

Melissa Black Gold Journal Notebook 6 x 9 with Personalized Name on Each Page Goddess Book Press 9781092104586 Books Reviews :

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Read Atlas of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Third Edition 9781259863387 Medicine Health Science Books

By Virginia Zamora

Read Atlas of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Third Edition 9781259863387 Medicine Health Science Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 1136 pages
  • Publisher McGraw-Hill Education / Medical; 3 edition (July 12, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1259863387

More aboutRead Atlas of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Third Edition 9781259863387 Medicine Health Science Books

Read AllAmerican Nativism How to End the Bipartisan War on Immigrants Daniel Denvir 9781786637130 Books

By Virginia Zamora

Read AllAmerican Nativism How to End the Bipartisan War on Immigrants Daniel Denvir 9781786637130 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 176 pages
  • Publisher Verso (October 8, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1786637138

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Download ARE 5 in a Flash Rapid Review of Key Topics Gary E Demele 9781591265320 Books

By Virginia Zamora

Download ARE 5 in a Flash Rapid Review of Key Topics Gary E Demele 9781591265320 Books

Download As PDF : ARE 5 in a Flash Rapid Review of Key Topics Gary E Demele 9781591265320 Books

Download PDF ARE 5 in a Flash Rapid Review of Key Topics Gary E Demele 9781591265320 Books


ARE 5 in a Flash is the perfect complement to your study routine. More than 400 flashcards, categorized by exam division and section, aid you in recalling key concepts and definitions. Easily taken on the go, the cards come with six binder rings for easy organization.

ARE 5 in a Flash (ARE5FL) Include

  • coverage of all six divisions of ARE 5.0 with cards that match up to ARE 5.0 divisions and sections
  • unique content specific to each division of ARE 5.0 
  • both question/answer formatting and answer/question formatting to help increase problem solving speed
  • six binder rings to divide your cards and customize your self-study learning experience

These cards offer additional support to the ARE 5 learning management system. 

This product is non-returnable.

Download ARE 5 in a Flash Rapid Review of Key Topics Gary E Demele 9781591265320 Books

"Save your cash! Don’t buy them. If you do, make this your 5th or 6th source of study material. The information provided on the cards is not comparable to what you actually experience on the exams."

Product details

  • Cards 415 pages
  • Publisher PPI, A Kaplan Company; First Edition, New edition (March 21, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1591265320

Read ARE 5 in a Flash Rapid Review of Key Topics Gary E Demele 9781591265320 Books

Tags : ARE 5 in a Flash Rapid Review of Key Topics [Gary E Demele] on . <DIV><P>New.</P><P><I>ARE 5 in a Flash</I> is the perfect complement to your study routine. More than 400 flashcards,Gary E Demele,ARE 5 in a Flash Rapid Review of Key Topics,PPI, A Kaplan Company,1591265320,Codes Standards,Design, Drafting, Drawing Presentation,ARCHITECTURE / Buildings / General,ARCHITECTURE / Buildings / Residential,ARCHITECTURE / Codes Standards,ARCHITECTURE / Design, Drafting, Drawing Presentation,ARCHITECTURE / General,ARCHITECTURE / Professional Practice,ARCHITECTURE / Project Management,ARCHITECTURE / Reference,ARCHITECTURE / Study Teaching,Architecture,GENERAL,General Adult,Non-Fiction,United States,9781591265320; 978-1-59126-532-0; Architecture Registration Exam; ARE 5 flash card; ARE5FL; ARE5; ARE 5; ARE5 flash card; ARE 5.0 Flash cards; ARE Review Materials; NCARB exam; Gary Demele; audiovisual spaces; barrier-free design; building code; requirement for structural concrete; energy standard for buildings; International Building; International Energy Conservation; mechanical and electrical systems coordination; minimum design loads for buildings; structures; Steel Construction; sustainable design; kaplan; kaptest; Kaplan architecture; kaplan online; kaplan study materials

ARE 5 in a Flash Rapid Review of Key Topics Gary E Demele 9781591265320 Books Reviews :

ARE 5 in a Flash Rapid Review of Key Topics Gary E Demele 9781591265320 Books Reviews

  • First, I love flash cards, so that attracted me to this product, and there weren't many reviews so I took a risk. This set consisted of a much smaller deck than I had anticipated, but the paper is thin card stock. You should know there is some assembly required; takes about 2-3 minutes (no big deal). I loved that they included pre-drilled cards w/ rings for binding. I am currently studying for the first exam in the series (Practice Management), and so have only gone through the first set (1/6) in the series, so my review is based upon the first set. For that reason I gave it a higher rating than I would based upon just the one section, assuming they'll (surely) show value in the studying process overall. Basically, I really want to love these but can't. I spent a substantial amount of time researching each of the flash cards in the PCM series, making corrections, feeling puzzled as to why some of them seem so entirely pointless to be included, disagreeing with some, and when you boil it all down I basically found fault with the majority of the cards in this first set. I started the flash cards 3 weeks into the studying process, and after reading the Law for Architects book. I found the topics to be much more heavily weighted to the business end rather than the law & contracts, but perhaps that reflects the balance of the exam; I cannot speak to that. I also found many of the cards to have content that is just so common sense that I cannot believe that they could accurately reflect the content in any A.R. exams. Examples (paraphrasing) how would you staff a firm practicing in a broad range of building types? Staff with broad range of experience. If a client wanted a signature building, what size budget would they need? A large one. (<Seriously) Over all I find the first set a disappointment, but perhaps a starting place with space on the back to amend with your own remarks & to correct defective definitions. I recommend you keep the Pro. Prac. handbook's section of definitions handy while you go through the cards the first round.
  • Save your cash! Don’t buy them. If you do, make this your 5th or 6th source of study material. The information provided on the cards is not comparable to what you actually experience on the exams.
  • Random questions... nothing related to the books. Good to have if you have extra money but otherwise no.
  • Cards are ambiguous or misleading at best. Answers are not always correct according to AIA standards and documents. Cheap and flimsy material not worth $5 let alone $45. regretting I made the purchase, stick with the standard material the ARE recommends
  • This will be the first time taking the ARE 5.0, who the heck knows what questions they are putting in the exam. Nobody is talking like they are watching you on the WEB, so I will be careful what to say, LOL! I actually added some of ARE 4.0 cards just incase NCARB plays tricks on me! Wish me luck!
  • Getting ready for my ARE's, these flash cards are very helpful.
  • Good
  • An effective quick study guide. Would liked to have had more questions.
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Download Coaching Youth Baseball the Ripken Way eBook Cal Ripken Jr Bill Ripken Scott Lowe

By Virginia Zamora

Download Coaching Youth Baseball the Ripken Way eBook Cal Ripken Jr Bill Ripken Scott Lowe

Product details

  • File Size 4938 KB
  • Print Length 243 pages
  • Publisher Human Kinetics, Inc.; 1 edition (August 25, 2008)
  • Publication Date August 25, 2008
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Coaching Youth Baseball the Ripken Way eBook Cal Ripken Jr Bill Ripken Scott Lowe Reviews

  • This is a very nice book that can help parents, new coaches and even many that call themselves coaches, but all they do is throw pitches and hit balls to players. I played for over 35 years and now becoming recreational coach. The first part of the book helps you understand your duty as a coach and be a better communicator to avoid future misunderstandings with parents, children, umpires, etc. The second part a large number of drills and fun games that will certainly keep children engaged. In my baseball experience I never did most of them, but I can see that this book will help me succeed as a coach. I strongly recommend Parents, every coach or wanna be coach to read this. I have helped coaches for the last 4 or 5 years, and I can tell you neither one of them read this book. I can understand why my kids don't love the game as much as I do. The reward you get after reading it completely justify the few bucks you spent. I am a parent as many of you reading this. I have a full time job, and as many of you sometimes I don't want to drag everything and drive to the field to play a bit of baseball with the kid(s). There is many things you can try and do in your own backyard after reading this book. Parents, give it a try with your young children. They will have fun and may like the sport. Now, I know my kids will have a second chance, but primarily it will be their decision, I will just show them the way as well as my new pupils. Something I learned while reading. I can't forced them to be what I wanted for me.
  • I have coached baseball from tee ball to high school varsity, and this book is by far the most comprehensive, easy-to-read, practical book on coaching baseball that I have seen. The drills and organization tools make practice planning simple. The Ripken Way emphasizes FUN and keeping kids engaged in a game that requires a lot of patience and attention. The drills are broken down by age-appropriateness in a way that makes this book useful for coaches of all levels.
  • Very well written book on coaching baseball for all ages. I read this book to get more informed on how to coach 5-6 year old T-Ball. This book provided a very good framework for this age group. Many well timed photographs used to describe practice drills.

    Table of contents

    Part 1
    1 Responsibilities of Coaching
    2 Realities of Coaching
    3 Reasonable Expectations
    4 Baseball Practice Basics

    Part 2
    5 Hitting and Baserunning Drills
    6 Throwing and Pitching Drills
    7 Fielding drills

    Part 3
    Practice Planner
    8 Practice Particulars for Ages 4 to 6
    9 Practice Particulars for Ages 7 to 9
    10 Practice Particulars for Ages 10 to 12
    11 Practice particulars for Ages 13 to 14
    12 Practice Particulars for Ages 15+

    Favorite parts of the book

    Page 6
    As coaches, we need to be able to cater to the needs of the kid who can't catch one ball and still make baseball fun and exciting for the kid who can. It's a difficult balance but one that's important to understand at all levels.
  • If you are looking for a way to ensure you are teaching the correct skills and at the same time making baseball practice lively, this is the book. The Ripkens are, obviously, well qualified to talk about baseball, but I was surprised at the wisdom, perspective, and pace of the book. First things, as they say, first. This is not a book that you get if you want to be a crazy baseball dad or mom -- this is the book you get if you want to be able to teach and explain the workings of baseball in an interesting way. Can't recommend this book highly enough.
    I was in something of a rush and bought this book on the (which I love). Since it is a reference work, however, in retrospect the hard copy might have made more sense. I do a lot of flipping back and forth in the kindle, and bookmarks are okay, but right yet I don't think the software is nearly as efficient. Still, no gripes or regrets about this purchase -- I might just have to buy the hard copy as well.
  • We think anyone who coaches young baseball players should read and use this book. One of Cal and Bill Ripken's biggest goals is to get young players to LOVE THE GAME and have fun! We originally picked this book because it is written by the Ripkens (and we think Cal Ripken is one of the best ballplayers of all time!)

    The book is not just a list of drills but they also take time to discuss coaching responsibilities and philosophies and reasonable expectations. They include great ideas for practices and how to run games at the younger levels - we wish this book was required reading for ALL volunteer youth baseball coaches. Drills included are several for Hitting and Baserunning, Throwing and Pitching, and Fielding.

    The best part of the book is the Practice Planner, where they go over Practice Particulars for each age group (4-6, 7-9, 10-12, etc.) They also tell you what skills you should be teaching kids at what age level. I was amazed at the "basics" that my 8 year old son hasn't learned yet. The Ripkens want kids to learn and have fun doing it so they love the game.

    We found ourselves agreeing with everything the Ripkens had to say and we will be using the rest of the spring/summer to "backyard coach" our 5 year old, 8 year old and 10 year old daughter now that baseball is over for the year - keeping it fun, of course! We would love for our children to go to one of the Ripkens' baseball camps, but this book will have to suffice.
More aboutDownload Coaching Youth Baseball the Ripken Way eBook Cal Ripken Jr Bill Ripken Scott Lowe

PDF Mr Bennet Daughter An Elizabeth and Darcy Story edition by Timothy Underwood Romance eBooks

By Virginia Zamora on Wednesday, May 29, 2019

PDF Mr Bennet Daughter An Elizabeth and Darcy Story edition by Timothy Underwood Romance eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 3189 KB
  • Print Length 299 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date April 4, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Mr Bennet Daughter An Elizabeth and Darcy Story edition by Timothy Underwood Romance eBooks Reviews

  • A unique and intriguing take on PnP where Mrs Bennet took Jane and fled with her lover, leaving Elizabeth behind to be raised by her father.

    Rated M for attempted sexual assault.

    Enters with a prologue on events that lead to Mrs Bennet's departure.
    The Netherfield party arrived but it was not Mr Darcy who initially caught the most of Elizabeth's attention. As there were no Jane, Bingley found the second Bennet daughter quite alluring...
    Mr Bennet and Mr Darcy developed a friendship which put the illustrious gentleman much in company with the daughter.
    The former Mrs Bennet entered the fray with her daughters and created havoc in Elizabeth's life, just as Darcy journeyed to Pemberley. It made headway for the deprived Mr Wickham to work his wiles upon Elizabeth.

    A dark ambience with a lot of literary references to the classics made this a distinctive read.
  • Take flighty, foolish Mrs. Bennett out of the child rearing process and what becomes of Elizabeth Bennett when her only parental influence is her father? A bluestocking, yes but what else? And is this the woman who can still mesmerize Fitzwilliam Darcy? Seems a simple question with an obvious answer but what about the rest of the scenarios? Without the familiar framework, Mr Underwood constructs a whole new series of background and foreground obstacles to be mounted.
    Another excellent variation, well thought out and fluent.
  • This Pride and Prejudice variación portrays Mr. Bennet as a responsable father who loves to debate philosophy with Darcy and Elizabeth. Both Darcy and Elizabeth have been let down by their mothers .
  • Finished the book today, April 16th. I found it very compelling as it took to a lot of different places that are not the norm of other variations. This is why I liked it. The concept, the story, kept me interested to read what would happen next. Some parts I would have liked to be longer, maybe the subject(s) explored a little longer. I would also have liked the getting together of Darcy and Elizabeth given more time...All in all I enjoyed another Timothy Underwood writing. If you are a fan you will enjoy the book. If you are not familiar withe him, give him a shot, you will not regret it.
  • I have truly enjoyed this author's books before. They were usually very good.
    This book felt like it was from another author. Hopefully the next book will be
    more like Mr Underwood's previous publications.
    By my stars above, it indicates that I felt this book was just average.
  • I really enjoyed the different take on this variation of P&P! It sucked me in from the first page to the last. I was sad to see it end.
    I felt bad for Mr Bennet and Elizabeth, but they really did bring out the best in each other.
    Thanks for a terrific story
  • Another out of the box novel by the author. The characters and circumstances are not tweaked slightly but but changed dramatically. Really fun read
  • This is one of my top ten P&P variation. The narrative is unique and the plot is so riviting full of suspense and high drama. It’s hard to put down until the end.
    I want put 4 half star if i have that option.
More aboutPDF Mr Bennet Daughter An Elizabeth and Darcy Story edition by Timothy Underwood Romance eBooks

Download How Language Began The Story of Humanity Greatest Invention Daniel L Everett 9781631496264 Books

By Virginia Zamora

Download How Language Began The Story of Humanity Greatest Invention Daniel L Everett 9781631496264 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 352 pages
  • Publisher Liveright; 1 edition (December 17, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1631496263

How Language Began The Story of Humanity Greatest Invention Daniel L Everett 9781631496264 Books Reviews

  • When an elder statesman scholar at the top of his or her field writes a book to summarize what they have learned about their favorite topic, then it's usually worth checking out. Everett does not disappoint. Aside from being a very readable survey of our best current inferences of the emergence of human language, Everett takes the time to explore and teach the proper application of the methods of good science throughout the book. The other strong element of praise that I have for the book is that this is the best appreciation of our ancestor Homo Erectus that I have ever read. Finally, someone is showing Erectus the respect they deserve.

    On the cautionary side, Everett talks about a lot of other researchers and contributors by name and is not shy about is praise for and qualms or issues about their work. He can be a little prickly at times, but I think that is a good thing. Everett's style strikes me as being a much more honest than leaving the reader to try and read between the lines.

    I do take issue with his categorical denial of any correlations between the way the brain and computers work, although even in this his arguments are quite cogent. It's just that he doesn't know the machines as well as he thinks he does, and there are two very clear and quite interesting strong parallels between the way the brain works (or doesn't work) and the way the machines perform. Those deal with plasticity and the interesting parallel between the functions of REM sleep and stored data management, and the consequences that flow from depriving either the brain from REM sleep or a stored data environment from routine organizational maintenance. They are strikingly similar. I think that if he knew about those two aspects of the machine world he would be pleasantly surprised. That said, if you are interested in the never ending search for insight into how we became what we are you will thoroughly enjoy this book.
  • How Language Began by Daniel L. Everett

    Controversial and revisionist are two words that came to my mind while reading this book.

    I can't claim any deep specialty in this area but I've read a few books on the subject of linguistics and thought I was keeping abreast of the subject. I thought that Noam Chomsky was widely accepted as setting the benchmark for linguistic study and that the idea that language developed as a result of a genetic mutation in the last 50,000 years was equally accepted. Likewise, I read Steven Pinker's "The Language Instinct" and I was sold on the notion that the human brain has a component for handling language.

    Daniel L. Everett's book "How Language Began" challenges those complacent beliefs. Everett comes across as a one-man wrecking crew to set things straight. Everett sets forth his thesis in the preface

    "The story of how humans came to have language is a mostly untold one, full of invention and discovery, and the conclusions that I come to through that story have a long pedigree in the sciences related to language evolution – anthropology, linguistics, cognitive science, palaeoneurology, archaeology, biology, neuroscience and primatology. Like any scientist, however, my interpretations are informed by my background, which in this case are my forty years of field research on languages and cultures of North, Central and South America, especially with hunter-gatherers of the Brazilian . As in my latest monograph on the intersection of psychology and culture, Dark Matter of the Mind The Culturally Articulated Unconscious, I deny here that language is an instinct of any kind, as I also deny that it is innate, or inborn.
    As far back as the work of psychologist Kurt Goldstein in the early twentieth century, researchers have denied that there are language-exclusive cognitive disorders. The absence of such disorders would seem to suggest that language emerges from the individual and not merely from language-specific regions of the brain. And this in turn supports the claim that language is not a relatively recent development, say 50–100,000 years old, possessed exclusively by Homo sapiens. My research suggests that language began with Homo erectus more than one million years ago, and has existed for 60,000 generations.
    As such, the hero of this story is Homo erectus, upright man, the most intelligent creature that had ever existed until that time. Erectus was the pioneer of language, culture, human migration and adventure. Around three-quarters of a million years before Homo erectus transmogrified into Homo sapiens, their communities sailed almost two hundred miles (320 kilometres) across open ocean and walked nearly the entire world. Erectus communities invented symbols and language, the sort that wouldn’t seem out of place today. Although their languages differed from modern languages in the quantity of their grammatical tools, they were human languages.
    Of course, as generations came and went, Homo sapiens unsurprisingly improved on what erectus had done, but there are languages still spoken today that are reminiscent of the first ever spoken, and they are not inferior to other modern languages."

    Everett argues his thesis in great detail, which results in this book being a soup to nuts survey of linguistics, running from anthropology to historical linguistics to the mechanics of how words are formed by the human vocal apparatus.

    Everett's position on Homo Erectus is both interesting and idiosyncratic. Everett argues cogently that H. Erectus must have had speech capabilities in order to accomplish the things that they accomplished, particularly building sea going vessels capable of taking their species to offshore islands beyond the site of land. Everett also discounts the trustworthiness of scholarship that identifies other homo species

    "According to some classifications, there were, soon after and before erectus, other species of Homo co-existing or existing in close succession – Homo habilis, Homo ergaster, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo rudolfensis among others. But, again, most of these various species of Homo are ignored here, with the focus kept on Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens. Most other Homo species are murky, maybe nothing more than variants of Homo erectus. However, the story of human language evolution changes in no significant way, whether erectus and ergaster were the same or different species."

    Homo Sapien is simply an improved model of Homo Erectus.

    Everett offers this on the sophistication of Erectus

    "This view of human cooperation in erectus is strongly supported by the archaeological record. As erectus wandered through the Levant, near the Jordan between the Dead Sea to the south and the Hula Valley to the north, they came to stop at the site known today as Gesher Benot Ya’aqov. At this site, going back at least 790,000 years, there is evidence for Acheulean tools, Levallois tools, evidence of controlled fire, organised village life, huts that housed socially specialised tasks of different kinds and other evidence of culture among Homo erectus. Erectus may have stopped here on the way out of Africa. Erectus technology was impressive. They built villages that manifested what almost appears to be central planning, or at least gradual construction under social guidance, as in Gesher Benot Ya’aqov. This is clear evidence of cultural values, organised knowledge and social roles. But such villages are just one example of erectus’s technological and organisational innovation."

    I didn't know that.

    Communication exists in sub-homo species. Non-humans use indexes and icons, non-arbitrary referents that mean one thing only. Humans use symbols. For Everett, the human achievement was a brain capable of using symbols and engaging in recursive thinking. Language is not a product of the wiring of the brain any more than a hammer is; both language and a hammer are inventions or tools of the human mind. Everett notes

    "A startling conclusion emerges from deficits affecting language There are no language-only hereditary disorders. And the reason for that is predicted by the theory of language evolution here – namely that there could not be such a deficit because there is no language-specific part of the brain. Language is an invention. The brain is no more specialised for language than for toolmaking, though over time both have affected the development of the brain in general ways that make it more supportive of these tasks."

    This insight comes after a long discussion of the kinds of ways that things can go wrong in the human ability to talk. Everett's point is well-made. We don't say that a hammer must be "wired" into the brain because someone without thumbs can't use one. There is no genetic condition that effects language - no one is born without an ability to comprehend verbs except insofar as they can also not comprehend nouns and prepositions. Likewise, as a practicing Linguist, Everett has seen far too many grammars to accept the notion that there is a universal language.

    For readers of anthropology and linguistics this is a very useful work because it shows how much is still open to debate. I think that for someone looking for a survey of linguistics this is a helpful and interesting book. If you are like me and are intrigued by the "gosh-wow!" ideas of "deep history" and "human evolution," this book is well-worth the investment.

    On the other hand, it is not particularly written for the lay reader. Everett spins off idea after idea and the reader has to stay on his toes to keep up. Also, there is a lot of dense and dry material. For example, the chapters on the mechanics of language are important (and I found them interesting insofar as Everett shared his personal experiences in the field), but I found my enthusiasm for the subject lagging at times. I suspect that for others with less background, these are chapters that can and will be skipped.

    Obviously, on the whole, I found Everett's thesis captivating and his arguments cogent.

  • This book may well mean a revolution in our understanding of language, its origin and meaning. It proposes a radically new theory of the origin of language, supported by systematic review of related subjects (Evolution of hominins, Biological adaptations of humans for language, The evolution of language form, and cultural evolution of language).

    His theory is, contrary to prevalent thinking that language originated after the emergence of Homo Sapiens, that language was primarily for communication (against Chomsky), and was born as an invention of Homo Erectus, approximately two million years ago. He strongly disagrees with the hypothesis that a genetic mutation allowed sapiens to create language a few tens of thousands years ago. This "single shot" generation of language goes against the very slow pace (baby steps) of language evolution. Moreover, there is no evidence supporting a genetic background for language. There are no genetic "language diseases", there is no part of the brain identified solely with language.Theories that define language as structure, serving no primary communication purpose, are not compatible with the relatively high level of technology, social structure, and migrations of erectus, including overseas migrations that required some form of navigation. It is impossible to understand these achievements without symbolic communication, i.e., language.

    The final proof is that modern languages of ian aboriginals are mostly for communication, highly variable, adaptive to their realities, mostly unstructured, thus frontally contradicting Chomsky.

    All in all, a major contribution, presenting a well supported, radically new theory. Everett could have titled his book "The Origin of Languages"

    Jorge Urzua, M.D.
    Santiago de Chile
More aboutDownload How Language Began The Story of Humanity Greatest Invention Daniel L Everett 9781631496264 Books

Read Online English for Everyone English Idioms DK 9781465480408 Books

By Virginia Zamora

Read Online English for Everyone English Idioms DK 9781465480408 Books

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Download PDF English for Everyone English Idioms DK 9781465480408 Books

Ideal for anyone who wants to learn English to native-speaker standard and prepare for major English exams including IELTS, TOEIC, and TOEFL, this fun and engaging visual guide to the most common and useful English idioms and phrases will help you understand and remember English idiomatic expressions and their meanings, making your English more fluent and natural.

English for Everyone English Idioms combines an innovative visual teaching method with the best of DK design to make one of the most difficult aspects of learning English as a foreign language incredibly easy. Hundreds of expressions are presented in context, with crystal-clear definitions and attractive illustrations that show each idiom's literal and idiomatic meaning. The book also covers English collocations and commonly confused words, helping you avoid the kind of mistakes that native English speakers would never make. Each teaching module is followed by tightly focused practice exercises to help you remember what you have learned.

Extensive supporting audio is integrated throughout the course, with every expression in the context of its sample sentence recorded by native English speakers. The audio is free and available online, and can be played, paused, and repeated as often as you like, to help you perfect your pronunciation of each expression. Suitable for learners at all levels, English for Everyone English Idioms is an exciting and intuitive guide to improving your understanding of English and the style of your written and spoken English.

Read Online English for Everyone English Idioms DK 9781465480408 Books


Product details

  • Series English for Everyone
  • Paperback 256 pages
  • Publisher DK (March 19, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1465480404

Read English for Everyone English Idioms DK 9781465480408 Books

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English for Everyone English Idioms DK 9781465480408 Books Reviews :

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PDF Et la famille recomposée ? Pas facile mais possible ! 9782263157004 Books

By Virginia Zamora

PDF Et la famille recomposée ? Pas facile mais possible ! 9782263157004 Books

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Download PDF Et la famille recomposée ? Pas facile mais possible ! 9782263157004 Books

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PDF Et la famille recomposée ? Pas facile mais possible ! 9782263157004 Books


Product details

  • Paperback
  • Publisher Solar (April 4, 2019)
  • Language French
  • ISBN-10 226315700X

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Tags : Et la famille recomposée ? Pas facile, mais possible ! on . ,Et la famille recomposée ? Pas facile, mais possible !,Solar,226315700X

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