» Download Coaching Youth Baseball the Ripken Way eBook Cal Ripken Jr Bill Ripken Scott Lowe
Virginia Zamora on Thursday, May 30, 2019
Download Coaching Youth Baseball the Ripken Way eBook Cal Ripken Jr Bill Ripken Scott Lowe

Product details - File Size 4938 KB
- Print Length 243 pages
- Publisher Human Kinetics, Inc.; 1 edition (August 25, 2008)
- Publication Date August 25, 2008
- Sold by Digital Services LLC
- Language English

Coaching Youth Baseball the Ripken Way eBook Cal Ripken Jr Bill Ripken Scott Lowe Reviews
- This is a very nice book that can help parents, new coaches and even many that call themselves coaches, but all they do is throw pitches and hit balls to players. I played for over 35 years and now becoming recreational coach. The first part of the book helps you understand your duty as a coach and be a better communicator to avoid future misunderstandings with parents, children, umpires, etc. The second part a large number of drills and fun games that will certainly keep children engaged. In my baseball experience I never did most of them, but I can see that this book will help me succeed as a coach. I strongly recommend Parents, every coach or wanna be coach to read this. I have helped coaches for the last 4 or 5 years, and I can tell you neither one of them read this book. I can understand why my kids don't love the game as much as I do. The reward you get after reading it completely justify the few bucks you spent. I am a parent as many of you reading this. I have a full time job, and as many of you sometimes I don't want to drag everything and drive to the field to play a bit of baseball with the kid(s). There is many things you can try and do in your own backyard after reading this book. Parents, give it a try with your young children. They will have fun and may like the sport. Now, I know my kids will have a second chance, but primarily it will be their decision, I will just show them the way as well as my new pupils. Something I learned while reading. I can't forced them to be what I wanted for me.
- I have coached baseball from tee ball to high school varsity, and this book is by far the most comprehensive, easy-to-read, practical book on coaching baseball that I have seen. The drills and organization tools make practice planning simple. The Ripken Way emphasizes FUN and keeping kids engaged in a game that requires a lot of patience and attention. The drills are broken down by age-appropriateness in a way that makes this book useful for coaches of all levels.
- Very well written book on coaching baseball for all ages. I read this book to get more informed on how to coach 5-6 year old T-Ball. This book provided a very good framework for this age group. Many well timed photographs used to describe practice drills.
Table of contents
Part 1
1 Responsibilities of Coaching
2 Realities of Coaching
3 Reasonable Expectations
4 Baseball Practice Basics
Part 2
5 Hitting and Baserunning Drills
6 Throwing and Pitching Drills
7 Fielding drills
Part 3
Practice Planner
8 Practice Particulars for Ages 4 to 6
9 Practice Particulars for Ages 7 to 9
10 Practice Particulars for Ages 10 to 12
11 Practice particulars for Ages 13 to 14
12 Practice Particulars for Ages 15+
Favorite parts of the book
Page 6
As coaches, we need to be able to cater to the needs of the kid who can't catch one ball and still make baseball fun and exciting for the kid who can. It's a difficult balance but one that's important to understand at all levels. - If you are looking for a way to ensure you are teaching the correct skills and at the same time making baseball practice lively, this is the book. The Ripkens are, obviously, well qualified to talk about baseball, but I was surprised at the wisdom, perspective, and pace of the book. First things, as they say, first. This is not a book that you get if you want to be a crazy baseball dad or mom -- this is the book you get if you want to be able to teach and explain the workings of baseball in an interesting way. Can't recommend this book highly enough.
I was in something of a rush and bought this book on the (which I love). Since it is a reference work, however, in retrospect the hard copy might have made more sense. I do a lot of flipping back and forth in the kindle, and bookmarks are okay, but right yet I don't think the software is nearly as efficient. Still, no gripes or regrets about this purchase -- I might just have to buy the hard copy as well. - We think anyone who coaches young baseball players should read and use this book. One of Cal and Bill Ripken's biggest goals is to get young players to LOVE THE GAME and have fun! We originally picked this book because it is written by the Ripkens (and we think Cal Ripken is one of the best ballplayers of all time!)
The book is not just a list of drills but they also take time to discuss coaching responsibilities and philosophies and reasonable expectations. They include great ideas for practices and how to run games at the younger levels - we wish this book was required reading for ALL volunteer youth baseball coaches. Drills included are several for Hitting and Baserunning, Throwing and Pitching, and Fielding.
The best part of the book is the Practice Planner, where they go over Practice Particulars for each age group (4-6, 7-9, 10-12, etc.) They also tell you what skills you should be teaching kids at what age level. I was amazed at the "basics" that my 8 year old son hasn't learned yet. The Ripkens want kids to learn and have fun doing it so they love the game.
We found ourselves agreeing with everything the Ripkens had to say and we will be using the rest of the spring/summer to "backyard coach" our 5 year old, 8 year old and 10 year old daughter now that baseball is over for the year - keeping it fun, of course! We would love for our children to go to one of the Ripkens' baseball camps, but this book will have to suffice.